CCTV Systems And The Data Protection Act

CCTV system | Alexandra Locksmiths, London
CCTV system | Alexandra Locksmiths, London
Dome shaped CCTV cameras

An article on the Crime Prevention Website, recently reported about the proposed changes in the rules and regulations governing images captured with CCTV systems. This will also include CCTV systems that are used in private homes.

If you have a CCTV system installed and in use at home, it is necessary for any user to be aware of the most recent guidelines set by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). This is because you must be compliant with the Data Protection Act (DPA)  if required.

Generally, a CCTV system would be exempt from the DPA, if installed at a private residence. Although if any of the cameras within the system are directed (even only partially), at a neighbour’s property or past your property boundary line, then the exemption would not stand. The easiest way to solve this potential legislative headache, is to ensure that all cameras in your CCTV system are pointing to exclusively your property and grounds.

If the ‘Domestic Purposes Exemption’ is simply not reliable enough for you, then it is wise to check with the ICO for advice. You can either visit the ICO website or call them on 0303 123 1113. You will then be sure of whether or not your CCTV system is ruled by the DPA. If your system is required to meet the DPA’s standards then an individual at home will need to be the nominated Data Controller and the ICO will need to be kept informed of who that Data Controller is.

The ICO have currently stated that they feel individuals need time to familiarize themselves with the new rules and regulations governing CCTV systems and the Data Protection Act. As such, apart from in exceptional circumstances, the ICO does not intend to take action against a person not fully compliant for the year ahead. This sentiment could change at anytime though, so it would be sensible to make any necessary changes to your CCTV system immediately.

If you would like help or guidance regarding CCTV systems and the security of your home then please do not hesitate to call Alexandra Locksmiths on 020 8883 1555 or 020 8364 2000.

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For further reading relating to CCTV systems, check out our previous blogs below:

With thanks for the use of the CCTV camera photo to KRoock74.